Complete the Evolution Quiz by Sunday 4/26/20. Click this link to access your Quizizz game:

**This weeks LIVE sessions: 
              Tuesday @11:30 AM: Evidences of Evolution Lecture (
              Wednesday @11:30 AM: Office Hours for Questions (
Please note–the LIVE sessions are not required and will be recorded for you to review.

Evolution Project Instructions: You will have 3 weeks to work on this project. This week, you will focus on Part 2. See the checklist for Part 2 below.
SB6.c: Argue the claim that all living organisms are related by way of common descent using evidence from comparative morphology (analogous vs. homologous structures), embryology, biochemistry (protein sequence), and genetics.
Part 1 SB6c: Learning Target: I will be able to describe common ancestry using the evidences of evolution. 
Choose one:

  1. You are a lawyer who must defend an organism’s claim that it is related to a different species. Make a case and give the evidence based on the evidence types from standard SB6c. This can be done in a video format, case file, or a story.
  2. Write a story an organism point of view showing how their species and another came from common ancestor. You must include two forms evidence from standard SB6c.
  3. Draw a comic strip showing how an homologous and analogous structures formed in animals.

Evolution Project Checklist 2

** Make sure you are submitting your work via Remind. You can go back and complete missing online assignments to improve your grade.**

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